THK CROSS OF PEACE 69 I understand we are going to have some music You are going to sing to us, gnadiges Fraulein ? Ina von Menzel denied that she was going to sing Her voice, she said, had broken like a cuckoo s in July It was the effect of ersatz food m Berlin It is only in the occupied territory that one gets real food" Gati&res implored her to sing "I shall be vastly disappointed, he protested "Oh, you re only shamming, Ina,' said her brother "ftot so many excuses, young woman Show the French Army that we may have lost the \var but we still keep our heritage of song ' He played some strains on his accordion and looked over at Ina with a smile "I will sing very softly,' she told him * After all, we do not want to arouse the household ' She sang very softly and very charmingly She sang several of Schubert s songs, of which the most enchanting, to the mind of a French officer, was Hetdenrbslein And then, as a compliment which he appreciated, she sang one of the old French chansons which had been made famous again by Yvette Guilbert It was called Tout doux, tout doux " "It is exquisite," said Captain Gata&res "This is a very great pleasure to me " He was moved with emotion It seemed to him wonderful and touching that this German girl should sing the old songs of France to the accompaniment of her brother sitting on his bed His mind travelled to his house in Avagnon where fas mother, perhaps at this very moment, was writing him a letter urging fa™ to be severe with the German population and not to be duped by their alleged grievances "They must be punished for all their crimes," she had written in one letter "You are too chivalrous, my dear Annand Chivalry is misplaced among a people who believe only in brutality **